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We are looking for blockchain projects in sustainable finance to transform the market

We are looking for blockchain projects in sustainable finance to transform the market

  • F10 and Alastria launch an “open call” to identify the best ‘green fintech’ solutions.
  • The winning start-up will have direct access to the final selection round to participate in the F10 incubation program that begins in March 2021.

Madrid, December 29. – F10, the leading fintech network in Switzerland, Spain and Singapore focused on innovation and fostering collaboration of ecosystems in the financial industry, and Alastria, one of the world’s largest public-private and multi-sector blockchain consortia, today announced a national and international call aimed at the blockchain and fintech entrepreneurial community with the aim of identifying the best blockchain projects in sustainable finance

This “open call” is the first result of the strategic alliance recently signed between F10 and Alastria, primarily aimed at promoting technological innovation and, in particular, blockchain in the banking and insurance sectors.

Both entities share the vision of the value of ecosystems and communities to promote innovation as an engine of transformation of the business world. In this sense, both F10 and Alastria aim to connect the world of start-ups, large companies, and investors, fostering an environment that can generate and exchange knowledge and promote early innovation.

The winning start-up will receive as a prize direct access to the final selection round to participate in the F10 incubation program that begins in March 2021; This program lasts six months during which the participants will have a ‘mentoring’ accompaniment that will help them transform their initial prototype into a scalable product, to generate traction and secure the necessary funding to successfully reach the market.

Interested start-ups can present their projects until January 19, 2021. The jury will be made up of prominent representatives of the United Nations, the European Commission, the entrepreneurial and technological world, and recognized experts in banking and finance.

In the latest international incubation and acceleration programs developed by F10, about 50% of the participating start-ups have been blockchain companies. Likewise, Alastria has experience in executing “open-calls” to generate ideas and solutions using blockchain technology, in its first year in 2018, and in the international event ‘Global Blockchain Challenge’, held in Malaga in November of 2019 in the framework of the Global Blockchain Congress, Convergence.

On this occasion with this open call, talented entrepreneurs in the international innovative ecosystem will be able to present their innovative ideas aimed at the development of blockchain technology-based products and services, in line with the objectives of the European Commission and the United Nations. Ideas to deliver financial models that contribute to promoting a green and sustainable society.