August 17, 2023.- Trustchain has announced the 13 projects it will be funding to define, update/expand the state of the art in the field of decentralized digital identity for a more human-centric and trusted Internet.
More than 100 projects from 29 countries were applied for this first open call. In order to complete the challenging task of reviewing the applications, a group of 41 external experts worked as evaluators with the TrustChain consortium.
And the selected projects are: DidRoom,, MUSAP project, TREVO, Orchestral, The Social Wallet, DID4EU, IM4DEC, WIDE, CLIENT-DIDS, EVI Electric Vehicle Identity, IS-CIS, PRIVÈ.
TrustChain will support the selected teams through a 9-months programme, granting the participants up to € 1 755 000 (equity-free funding), free coaching and free access to top infrastructure. While the access to the infrastructure and money prize are pretty straightforward, TrustChain coordinator, Caroline Barelle underlines the value of the coaching process and the importance of introducing it to any programme of this sort: “To ensure an adequate integration of the technologies/solutions proposed by our selected Web3 innovators into this TRUSTCHAIN ecosystem, coaching will be essential. This will be the means to achieve our common goal. Moreover for developing such an ecosystem, cross cut aspects such as user centric design, legal and regulatory trends, business modelling, standardisation, communication are to be considered that are not always « by default » skills possessed by our innovators. So, they will be coached by recognised experts in different areas so they unlock the full potential of the solution they proposed.”
More information about Trustchain here: