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Alastria holds its General Assembly of Members 

Alastria holds its General Assembly of Members 

A robust ecosystem of 544 members from 21 countries representing 22 economic sectors. These are just some of the figures illustrating Alastria’s work over the last year that were shared at our General Assembly, which took place on 30th June at Comillas Conecta Lab.

Alastria CEO Juan Jiménez Zaballos went over the main results of the 2021-2022 management strategy, whereby Alastria is further expanding its ecosystem internationally, drawing members from both Europe and Latin America. For his part, President Miguel Ángel Domínguez highlighted Alastria’s efforts to forge ties with the public sector, in order to become a loyal ally for use of NextGenerationEU and REACT-EU funds, in line with the objectives set out in the Alastria 3.0 mandate that began in June 2021.

At the assembly we had the pleasure of hearing from our members Ángel Nigorra, from Bizum, and Javier Berlarte, from KH Xpander, who shared their experience of joining the ecosystem this year. We are delighted to support our members in their blockchain projects and to see tangible results that bring value to their businesses.

Salvador Estevan Martínez, director general for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence at the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation closed the assembly with these fine words: “Digitalisation is a state policy; we want to create an ecosystem in which our economy can develop. Public-private collaboration is the best way to face the major challenge that digitalisation poses” and decentralised technologies have their place in this process.

Naturally, our members played a prominent role at the assembly, sharing the results of the committees that make up the heart and soul of Alastria: Identity, Technology Strategy, Legal, Standardisation, Universities, Sectoral Committees, Projects and the Funding Desk.

We would like to thank our member Councilbox for providing us with the platform to log our assembly on blockchain. Thank you to all our members for their trust. The Management Board and General Management will continue to work to develop Spain’s blockchain industry and position our country as a global leader in DLT.